DoD Information Warfare (IW) Department of Defense Topic(s): Government BPR Project Reports [Home] Document Listing by: [Title] [Author] [Topic] [Coverage] [Source] Abstract: Lead Agency: OASD (C31) Functional Area: Command and Control Project Title: DoD Information Warfare (IW) Functional Area: Command & Control Lead Agency: OASD(C3I) Summary: To achieve information superiority in support of national military strategy, a joint DoD team reengineered DoD Information Warfare processes. A high-level model was developed to provide a consensus view of key processes and data. This evaluation will lead to the development of a national IW policy, an assessment of IW vulnerability, and a standard risk management process. Description: The mission of this project was to develop a baseline activity model for current IW processes, identify improvement opportunities, and recommend a plan for the application of Business Process Reengineering to IW. Representatives from the Joint Chiefs of Staff (JCS), Army, Navy, Air Force, Marines, Defense Intelligence Agency, National Security Agency, and the Defense Information Systems Agency participated in the project. Improvements: Nine specific improvements were identified including: Development of a joint, coordinated effort to identify and assess the vulnerabilities of military operations and systems and the defense information infrastructure. Development of a standardized process for risk management. Development of a national policy for the conduct of IW. Benefit: The improvements will provide an improved ability to achieve information superiority in support of national military strategy by affecting adversary information, information systems, and information processes while leveraging and defending U.S. information, information systems, and information processes. Predicted Savings: Not reported Investment: Not reported Point of Contact: LCOL Liz Anderson OASD (C3I) IW 6000 Defense Pentagon Washington, D.C. 20301-6000 (703)614-0624 DSN: 224-0624 INFOWAR.WPD 3252D.html