At 11:49 AM 3/10/2004, Major Variola (ret) wrote:
This is how the US intimidates such that the USG can monitor all transactions. A serious practical problem for e$ when it needs to interface to atoms.
not really. it means there is a need for a more P2P approach, like Kawalah, where trusted individuals act as entry and exit points using
At 02:27 PM 3/10/04 -0800, Steve Schear wrote: their
own banking accounts in exchange for the lion's share of the service fees.
Kawalah, isn't that a terrorist tool? ;-) If it isn't already, it will be declared one. Unlicenced transfers over N$ get you a discrete military tribunal, after detention incommunicado, sans charges, of course. Cuba really is nice this time of year. Moving money between people will require government-licensed (ie 0wn3d) intermediary, much like moving handguns (or pharmaceuticals) inside various States.
this is not uncommon now in e-gold where secondary players offer such transactions.
The next time Ashcroft [1] gets a hard-on for gambling | drugs | porn | arabs, e-gold systems will see major hasslement ranging from frozen or confiscated subscribers assets to the latest in Raytheon's precision versions of the V-2 delivered to their doorstep. No extra charge for nighttime delivery. [1] Hey, at least that bastard Bennett would have been soft on gambling, given his addiction, not that such innumeracy redeems the slow painful death he earned. ------ "They keep talking about drafting a Constitution for Iraq. Why don't we just give them ours? It was written by a lot of really smart guys, it's worked for over 200 years, and Hell, we're not using it anymore." -Jay Leno