Assassination Politics (Score:1, Troll)
by aminorex on Tuesday August 13, @12:35AM (#4059484)
(User #141494 Info | The only geek who ever came up with a viable means
of effecting positive change in the current U.S.
political system was promptly sent to prison.
His name is Jim Bell, and he's a loon, but his
Assassination Politics may well save the U.S. from
totalitarianism and genocide, and I can hardly wait
to see it implemented.

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·       ·       Re:Assassination Politics by aminorex (Score:2) Tuesday August 13, @09:41PM
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"Declan McCullagh spent several years on Essential Information's AM-Info (Appraising Microsoft) e-mail list basically just lurking and stirring up trouble he could use in news reports."
Not our declan! Shurley shome mishtake! Oh deccy boy the pipes,the pipes are calling...