I agree with Judith on this. Seeing the entire internet - instead of the ICANN restricted internet is as simple as point click and reboot. Further data is available at www.youcann.org and instructions are located here http://www.youcann.org/instructions.html and include a link to a downloadable program that fixes your dns to see the whole internet. point, click, reboot - and astalavista ICANN. regards joe On Mon, 20 Nov 2000, Judith Oppenheimer wrote:
re ICANN Should Approve More Top Level Domains, http://www.cluebot.com/article.pl?sid=00/11/20/1714249
Great article, but Declan and I have a slightly different take on his mention of alternative servers, as he states it "... requires tech-savvy users to reconfigure their computers..."
This is a seemingly minor point, yet it is so significant, perpetuating this myth that only the "tech-savvy" can access the entire Internet. Its counterproductive, and simply not true.
I cannot figure out any advanced features on my microwave, my organizer, my cell phone - forget about the VCR ... yet it took me maybe 3 minutes, tops, to upgrade my computer in order to access all of the net.
Hardly a "tech-savvy" process, it was more like point, click and reboot, resulting in immediate access to .com/.net/.org PLUS .web/.biz etc.
I've written Declan and the WSJ editors suggesting that we dispel, finally, this myth of the hard-to-do, beyond-reach Internet. Telling readers its just point, click, and reboot, would go a long way toward poking a canon-ball sized hole in the ICANN facade.
Judith Oppenheimer, 212 684-7210, 1 800 The Expert Publisher, http://www.ICBTollFreeNews.com President, http://www.1800TheExpert.com FREE 800/Domain Classifieds, http://ICBclassifieds.com Domain Name & 800 News, Intelligence, Analysis
-----Original Message----- From: Owner-Domain-Policy [mailto:owner-domain-policy@LISTS.NETSOL.COM]On Behalf Of Joe Baptista Sent: Monday, November 20, 2000 12:24 PM To: DOMAIN-POLICY@LISTS.NETSOL.COM Subject: Re: CDR: RE: What got censored today... (fwd)
---------- Forwarded message ---------- Date: Mon, 20 Nov 2000 13:43:14 -0500 From: Declan McCullagh <declan@well.com> To: Joe Baptista <baptista@pccf.net> Cc: "Carskadden, Rush" <carskar@netsolve.net>, "'cypherpunks@einstein.ssz.com'" <cypherpunks@einstein.ssz.com> Subject: Re: CDR: RE: What got censored today... (fwd)
I have an op-ed in today's Wall Street Journal that mentions alternative DNS schemes:
http://www.cluebot.com/article.pl?sid=00/11/20/1714249 (html) http://www.politechbot.com/p-01507.html (text)
No response yet from ICANN, Esther Dyson, Vint Cerf, etc.
-- Joe Baptista http://www.dot.god/ dot.GOD Hostmaster +1 (805) 753-8697