-----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE----- C'punks, I am preparing to retire my old 1024 bit RSA key. It was generated 1/14/1993 and good key hygiene suggests it is time to retire this key. What better time to generate a new key than now that PGP has moved away from shaky MD-5 and patent encumbered RSA to DSS and DH. I would ask anyone that signed my old key to please sign my new key with fingerprint 4A17 A6D7 8E80 3B44 C196 F509 8971 9FA7 B663 B0FD. The key is on the servers. Thanks, - --Lucky -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE----- Version: 5.0 beta Charset: noconv iQCVAwUBM5+iUwSQkem38rwFAQFQPAP/U8Ck6CYQUJI8W/TEf3BQDW1XF0YmYsF1 GcuIp9fYQnRXdB7fKdYvzSffaSs/N5TCjmyeqpTyuE9c7nFqIlu6L+iHoiwdaFdj UR3DBesS1BpmA71kRKzyt3bue1qttz+dhbhcQFd421sPzkqA7gSkOaQzP1ujspI7 mNS8FH9LyGs= =hwfW -----END PGP SIGNATURE----- --Lucky Green <shamrock@netcom.com> PGP encrypted mail preferred. Put a stake through the heart of DES! Join the quest at http://www.frii.com/~rcv/deschall.htm