Sounds like a good way to sap some of the energy from the cp list. [...] But I didn't expect someone to post the subscription instructions (anonymously, of course). Hint: it wasn't I.
Me neither, but it's no big surprise that the instructions didn't remain secret for long. Posting supposedly secret information is one of the things remailers have been build for, after all. It is precisely for that reason that the don't-forward policy will not protect anyone. If you are saying something controversial, people will forward it, if you like it or not. (Remailers will protect you, because they allow you to send messages without your `identity' attached.) Anyway, I don't expect the new list to sap energy from the cypherpunks list -- rather the contrary. For example, Tim probably wouldn't have written his essay (and posted it to cypherpunks), if not for the Nym list. Declan managed to get together a number of people who haven't been seen on cypherpunks for years, if ever. Allowing posters (as opposed to readers, see above) on invitation only doesn't seem too bad to me. The Nym list promises to be interesting.