On Tue, Oct 26, 2010 at 6:19 PM, J.A. Terranson <measl@mfn.org> wrote:
... Last year, I reported about the findings of scientists using the GEO600 experiment in Germany. Although the hi-tech piece of kit hadn.t turned up evidence for the gravitational waves it was seeking, it did turn up a lot of noise.
... While looking out for a gravitational wave signal, scientists at GEO600 noticed something bizarre. There was inexplicable static in the results they were gathering. After canceling out all artificial sources of the noise, they called in the help of Fermilab.s Craig Hogan to see if his expertise of the quantum world help shed light on this anomalous noise. His response was as baffling as it was mind-blowing. .It looks like GEO600 is being buffeted by the microscopic quantum convulsions of space-time ... The signal being detected by GEO600 isn't a noise source that's been overlooked, Hogan believes GEO600 is seeing quantum fluctuations in the fabric of space-time itself...
it's only noise(entropy) if you don't have the key.
But how can this hypothesis be tested? We need to boost the resolution of a gravitational wave detector-type of kit. Enter the Holometer..
Currently under construction in Fermilab, the Holometer (meaning holographic interferometer) will delve deep into this quantum realm at smaller scales than the GEO600 experiment...
they still won't have the key... ;)