17 Dec
17 Dec
11:17 p.m.
[Right now I'm over at the Digital/Altavista summit to discuss rating systems in search engines so I missed the vote. (Barry Steinhardt from the ACLU just finished speaking. Sen. Judd Gregg, a CDA fan, spoke this morning.) This bill limits local and state governments' ability to tax the Net. --Declan] ---- (forwarded to me by a House staffer)
The full Senate Commerce Committee voted today 14-5 to approve an amended version of the Internet Tax Freedom Act. Here's how members voted:
14 Yes: McCain, Stevens, Burns, Snowe, Ashcroft, Frist, Abraham, Brownback, Hollings, Inouye, Rockefeller, Kerry, Breaux, Wyden 5 No: Gorton, Hutchinson, Ford, Bryan, Dorgan 1 Did not vote: Lott