[I was scheduled to participate in this event organized by the Silicon Valley Association of Startup Entrepreneurs but, alas, won't be able to make it. It promises to be an excellent discussion, and I urge Politech members in the area to stop by. --Declan] ********* http://www.svase.org/nextmeeting.htm THE MAIN EVENT: SVASE Monthly Meeting Privacy: Where's the Profit? Microsoft Campus, Mountain View Thursday, July 12, 2001, 6 pm Hundreds, perhaps thousands, of startup business plans are based on exploiting privacy technologies. Technologies that protect privacy --- as well as business plans based on those that undermine it --- seem to come out nearly every week. Existing or proposed federal privacy laws will have a huge impact on whether those plans ever succeed. This extraordinarily high-powered panel of experts will sort through the issues and tell you what they view as the key issues for entrepreneurs facing - or hoping to make money from - the rules and regulations of electronic privacy. Our keynote speaker and moderator JIM HARPER, based in Washington, DC, is one of the world's preeminent experts in privacy policy. He is the founder and principal of PolicyCounsel.Com, a lobbying and consulting firm focused on e-commerce, technology, and telecommunications. He is the founder of Privacilla.org, the only online think-tank devoted to privacy as a public policy issue. Mr. Harper served as counsel to committees in both the United States House of Representatives and the United States Senate. He now works to help Congress and regulators understand the New Economy. In his presentation to SVASE, Jim will unpack the complex concept of privacy and discuss the thinking and plans of legislators, regulators, and advocates. Progress & Freedom Foundation (<http://www.pff.org/>http://www.pff.org/) recently named Jim as an Adjunct Fellow. MARK UNCAPHER is Vice President and Counsel of the Information Technology Association of America, responsible for ITAA s Internet Commerce & Communications Division. The more than 100 members of the division include: Amazon.com, AOLTime Warner, AT&T, Boeing, Cable & Wireless, Covad Communications, EDS, Exodus, Focal Communications, Fujitsu Limited, Global Crossings, IBM, MCI WorldCom, Metromedia Fiber Network, Microsoft, Nortel Networks, SunGard Data, Teligent, and Yahoo. Uncapher argues that the issue is not about whether to protect consumer privacy on the Internet -- that is what the public expects and what Internet companies are determined to provide -- the challenge is to identify the best and most profitable ways to do so. DAVE KRAMER is a litigation partner with the reknowned law firm Wilson Sonsini Goodrich & Rosati. On the privacy front, Kramer has worked extensively with technology pioneers such as Google and Netscape, developing startups such as Napster and Yodlee, and new online entrants like Orbitz, Cogit and Enviz. Mr. Kramer will discuss the biggest threats companies currently face in the privacy arena, including privacy regulation. DECLAN McCULLAGH is Washington Bureau Chief for Wired News. He has been writing about the Internet since 1990. McCullagh moderates politech, a mailing list looking broadly at politics and technology that was founded in 1994. He has appeared on CNN, CNN-fn, Court TV, NPR, ABC News, CNBC, CBC, CSPAN, Reuters TV, and Fox News. He is a member of the International Academy of Digital Arts and Sciences and has been a judge in the Webby awards, the Ars Electronica awards, the Internet Freedom journalism awards, and the Pacific Research Institute technology privatization awards. RAY EVERETT-CHURCH, is a Principal at PrivacyClue LLC. Called the "dean of corporate privacy officers" by Inter@ctive Week Magazine, Ray Everett-Church is an internationally recognized expert on privacy law and policy. In 1999, he became the world's first corporate Chief Privacy Officer, a ground-breaking position soon adopted by dozens of Fortune 500 firms. Founder of PrivacyClue LLC, a privacy-oriented consultancy, he advises firms on developing privacy measures consistent with existing laws, prevailing consumer attitudes, and acceptable industry practices. He was previously an attorney with the Washington, DC-area telecommunications law firm of Haley Bader & Potts, and has counseled America Online, Microsoft, and numerous start-up ventures. __________________ Meetings costs are as follows: PRE-REGISTERED RATES Member Meeting Only - FREE Member Meeting & Dinner - $25 Non-Member Meeting & Dinner - $45 New Membership & Meeting - $125 New Membership, Meeting & Dinner - $150 Sponsor or Sponsor's Guest - FREE Sponsor or Sponsor's Guest Meeting & Dinner - $25 Student Meeting Only - $10 WALK IN RATES Member Meeting & Dinner - $35 Non-Member Meeting & Dinner - $55 New Membership & Meeting - $125 New Membership, Meeting & Dinner - $160 Meeting Agenda: 6:00 - Buffet Opens (Time for Networking) 7:00 - Announcements and Reports 7:15 - Panel Begins 9:00 - Final Announcements and More Networking The July meeting is being held at: Microsoft Silicon Valley Campus - Building 1 1065 La Avenida (formerly L'avenida) Mountain View, CA 94043 Phone: 650-693-4000 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- POLITECH -- Declan McCullagh's politics and technology mailing list You may redistribute this message freely if you include this notice. 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