At 16:05 7/21/96, Simon Spero wrote:
Really? The only way I know of forcing a one-time pad is to use a hardware QM-based random number generator to generate every possible decrypt, thus creating a number of universes equal to the number of possible keys. Since you can't tell if you're universe is the right one, one should always verify the information obtained against a second source. IANAL, so I can't say if such a decrypt would count as probably cause.
Now here is a thought. Since there exists a key that allows you to decrypt any OTP encrypted message to an arbitrary text of the same length as the original message, an LEO could work backwards from a given text. "Yes, your honor. We decrypted the suspects communications and discovered the following confession." Scary thought. -- Lucky Green <mailto:shamrock@netcom.com> PGP encrypted mail preferred. Defeat the Demopublican Unity Party. Vote no on Clinton/Dole in November. Vote Harry Browne for President.