Where Do THE (TM) Want our Mind To Go Today? - SAHMD!!! _________________________________________________________ "ou're not really an anarchist if you don't have your Anarchist Union dues paid up-to-date." ~Anna R. Christ, U.S. Government Department of Anarchy Czar Even those who dismiss, as ridiculous, the conspiracist theory that the entire world is controlled by a small, Secret Cabal of individuals, with me at its head, recognize that over the course of history, the media began encroaching on the traditional role of religion and community as the source of beliefs about the world around them, as well as increasingly influencing opinions and attitudes, and that the news media was originally controlled by a very small enclave of individuals with powerful financial and political connections. Thus, the front-page newspaper story about the completion of this or that railway was more likely to be accompanied by a picture of a Railway Czar chomping on a fat cigar as he drove the last spike, rather than a picture of 30,000 Dead Chincs, since the LittleellerFellers didn't get a lot of dinner invitations to the publisher's estate. Far from being a Secret Conspiracy, the control of the newpaper media by a few individuals was a well-established Open Conspiracy, regarded as SimplyTheWayThingsAre in an era when the money, power and connections of the OldBoyNetwork trumped poverty, insignificance and a cousin named Louie who could get you a good deal on a pair of used shoes. Regardless of the fact that the public knew that the news was a fixed game, even if there was a 'competing' newsrag from a different member of the RichAndPowerfulOldBoysNetwork, it was the only game in town, and those in control of the news that got reported were the ones who named the game and framed whatever debate took place. The newspaper publishers of yesteryear were, like todays car salesmen, masters of manipulating their customers into choosing between the 'models' of news/opinion/reality that *they* were offering. Even today, for all of the lip-service paid to 'competition' in the mainstream media, I doubt that there was a single person in America who bought copies of *all* the major mainstream newspapers in order to find the one with the headline, "Freedom Fighter Timothy McVeigh Takes A Bite Out Of Government Crime." In 1937, by which time America had more radios than indoor toilets, the Rockerfeller Foundation started funding early mind-control research into the social effects of new forms of mass media, such as radio, and their potential for effecting social control of the masses. The main headquarters for the research, which was carried out by several universities, was at the Office of Radio Research, at Princeton. It was headed by Paul Lazersfeld, an influential figure in a Marxist ThinkTank, the Institute for Social Research (I.S.R.), commonly known as the Frankfurt School. Interestingly, the goals of the Bolshevik Intelligentsi of I.S.R.--to undermine the Judeo-Christian legacy of Western Civilization through an "abolution of culture," and to determine new cultural forms which would increase the alienization of the population--were very similar in concept to the techniques that Canadian mind-butcherer, Dr. Ewen Cameron, would pioneer decades later in the field of psychiatry--creating 'Differential Amnesia' through electroshock mind-wiping, and recreating persona/ personality through the use of 'Psychic Driving'--with the main difference seeming to be that the Radio Project's Lazersfeld didn't have access to the technology to pump thousands of volts through the brains of the masses, so had to settle for giving them extended treatments with low- power radio waves, as well as using repetitive formatting instead of Dr. Cameron's "I am a good person who is going to assassinate the Prime Minister" tape-loops. At the time, Communism was Semi-Fashionable, not yet having been magically transformed, overnight, into the GreatEvil, and among the entities taking an interest in using the Comintern created thinktank to learn how to use Bolshevik techniques to put the masses in their back pocket were, besides the Rockerfeller Foundation, the Columbian Broadcasting System, several American intelligence services, and the International Labour Organization. As Michael J. Minnicino notes, in 'The New Dark Age,' "Despite the official gloss, the activities of the Radio Project make it clear that its purpose was to test empirically the (I.S.P.) Adorno-Benjamin thesis that the net effect of the mass media could be to atomize and increase lability--what people would later call "brainwashing." [EditWhore's Note: If you are incapable of making the connection between TV/Advertising and Hypnosis, because the programs and ads don't begin with, "ou are growing veerrryyy sleepy," or between TV/Advertising and Brainwashing, because a BigRat doesn't jump out of the TV and eat your face, then just try to equate TV/Advertising with your mother's attempts to convince you that broccoli tastes good, or the teacher who tried to trick you into thinking that Math was more fun than looking out the window and watching the dogs fucking in the schoolyard.] Frank Stanton, an industrial psychology Ph.D., later to become the President of the CBS News Division, President of CBS, and Chairman of the Board of the RAND Corporation, was the Radio Project's research director. Herta Herzog would later use the propaganda skills she developed as a Radio Project researcher to become the first director of research for Voice of America. The course of the whole developing radio industry would shortly be affected in a major way by the Rockerfeller/Intelligence/Broadcaster's Radio Project research into the use of the radio medium as a tool for Social/Mind Control. In a 1939 Journal of Applied Psychology quarterly edition, the Radio Project published their conclusion that Americans had become "radio minded" (think about that phrase...), and that "their listening had become so fragmented that repetition of format was the key to popularity," as Minnicino points out. "The play list determined the 'hits'...and repetition could make any form of music or any performer...a 'star.'" ("ou got your dead skunk in the middle of the road, dead skunk in the middle of the road...") ou Want Regular Vanilla, Or Vanilla Regular? [WAS - Beyond The Valley Of The Mountain Of The Planet Of The Apes / Parts 1 Through 2,987,746,376,802,413]: "Not only are hit songs, stars, and soap operas cyclically recurrent and rigidly invariable types, but the specific content of the entertainment itself is derived from them and only appears to change. The details are interchangeable." ~Theodor Adorno, Chief of the Radio Project's Music Section, and an instrumental, decades-long member of the Communist Institute For Social Research, to which we owe a debt of gratitude for ensuring that audio pictures of Chairman Rockerfeller would dominate our audio landscape, and that quotations from the BigBankBook of Chairman Rockerfeller would fall on our ears, day and night. [EditWhore's Note: Today, of course, Corporations are getting in on the act by turning arts and sports events into an advertising medium in their own right (e.g. The Nike Bolshoi Ballet Company, and the Ravage Realty Desert Golf Classic), not to mention Chairman Pepsi purchasing the rights to the high-school Proletariat from their bourgeois SchoolMasters.] Shut The Fuck Up And Give Me our Gut-Feeling About This Program: Next time that you're having a highly-intellectual discussion (drinking cafe-latte with your little pinkie raised), about the philosophical and conceptual themes of a given program, think about "Little Annie" aka the Stanton-Lazersfeld Pogrom ( <--meaninful typo ) Analyzer. It was designed to allow test-audience members to register the intensity of their likes-dislikes on a moment-to-moment basis during a program. This allowed the operators to determine which situations or characters produced a momentary, positive feeling state. Michael Minnicino notes that "Little Annie transformed radio, film, and ultimately television programming." He adds that Little Annie, in updated formats, is still what drives mainstream programming today. [Note From T. Arthur: Basically, Little Annie is the human equivalent of the Pavlovian drool-cup, measuring the flow of body juices when the DoggieFoodLight goes on, or you watch an ad for edible panties. The VoicesInsideMyHead that claim, "Everything since the BigBang has been plagarism," when translated from Analog Wave to Digital Format, say, "The only movie/program that really exists is 'The ogi Berra Story'...everything else is DejaVuReRunsAllOverAgain.] Our Story So Far: OK, so we got your small Non-Secret Cabal of NewsRag Czars going about their business of exercising their InGodWeTrust-Given Right to decide what people with less money should know and think. And then we got your Radio Media Medium starting to cut-in on the NewsRag Czar's RealityCreationRacket, as a result of there being more of them than indoor toilets, so as how people now get their RealityInput even when they ain't on the Crapper, making room for what they is reading by engaging in ExcessRealityOutput (A RetroTech version of GarbageIn- GarbageOut), and then wiping their OutputDevice with their InputDevice. And then we got your basic RichGuyFoundation using TaxDeductibleDollars to hire your basic GodLessCommies to figure out how the RichGuys can use the rEvolutionary New Commi-Tel Bolshevik Marketing System to get the Radio Proletariat to pony-up $ 19.95 (plus shipping and handling) for the SilverPlatter upon which their "new cultural forms" (Translation: ConsumerIsm) will be handed to them, making the RichGuy even richer (by using TaxDeductibleDollars, nonetheless--pretty tricky, eh?). And we got your WhiteReds telling us that if they play a CountryBlues song as many times as there is pictures of Stalin in Moscow, then, not only can they make some Drifter a star, but they can measure how many times JoeSixPack's blood rushes to his brain or his penis while he's thinking about how *his* baby done left him, too, and that if more blood is rushing back and forth when Luke the Drifter is singing the words 'baby' and 'yeah,' then they can take a song called, "Baby, Baby, eah- eah, eah, eah, Baby eah-eah," and get Joe SixPack's blood flowing in and out of his penis so fast that he'll need a Pavlovian Drool-Cup underneath his Pecker, and that they can have the song performed by some oungStud who they put on TV and have him wiggle his pelvis around like some BigDickedDarkie, and get the blood flowing back and forth in the women's private parts too, which would *really* result in "new cultural forms which would increase the alienation of the populace," because Daddy don't want his LittlePrincess (TM) getting her LittleNastyParts (TM) all juiced up by some WhiteNiggerLoverBoy. Oh...except I guess I haven't mentioned the part about TeleVision, yet. Anyway, you got to remember that the reason that your RunOfTheMillBasic GodLessCommie is Godless, is that if you're going to start a rEvolution, then you can't have your Proletariat all junked-out on Religion, or they are going to be too laid-back to help you torch the Palace. So you have to create your basic NewBarbarism, getting rid of anything that smacks of Universal Truth or Natural Law, and get people to trade in their old PopeMobile for a SnowmobileRacingAcrossTheTundra, with a BigTittedNun stroking Nietzsche's IceWeasle in glossy-color ads telling the Prolotariat that there's no need to stick to the straight-and-narrow path when you've got an off-road philosophical vehicle that can go BeyondGoodAndEvil in sex-seconds flat. This appeals to a lot of people who never had seconds on sex because they could only fuck once in the backseat of their PopeMobile, since it was supposed to be for making babies, and not for having fun, but they can play HideTheSalami as many times as they want on the seat of a snowmobile, with God-and-everybody watching (only there is not really any God). What is important to realize is that one of the main Keys to making the BullShitVic's Schtick work, has to do with shit-canning the creative act and making creativity historically-specific. [Author's Note: Although this is important, I don't really know exactly how to explain why it is so, since I don't really understand it and I am, in large part, merely plagarizing excerpts from 'The New Dark Age' by Michael J. Minnicino, on this point. I think Tim C. May and some of the other CypherPunks understand this crap, though, so maybe you could ask them about it...] But I *do* understand *why* it is important to Marxist rEvolutionaries to burn up and toss out all of the old writings and art, and stuff, in order to take control of the hearts and minds of the Proletariat, since it is like moving in with a NewOldLady, and she's got pictures of her old boyfriend around, and loveletters and stuff, and you don't want her thinking about him while you're sticking your dick in her. So, anyway... It's not like Rockerfeller ain't 'getting any,' since he's already a part of the OldBoyNetwork that's GangBangingReality with their OfficalNews /WorldView Schlongs, but Radio is the NewKidInTown and you don't want him stealing your chicks, so you're going to join up with his gang, too, and you figure it won't hurt to try and pick up a few new pointers on putting your MeatInMotion from Stalin's BumBuddies, since Stalin is, like, the JohnnyWadd of Social Control. So Stalin's BumBuddies tell you that first, you got to get Prolotariat Chicks a little tipsy and disoriented by culturing them with a little bit of Absolut, you set some new cultural forms (make their nipples hard) by sweet-talking them a bit, and then create a NewBarbarism by talking nasty to them. Of course, once you have the attention of their orfice, then you keep driving home your point, repeatedly, and if you can find the spots on their body that make them feel good or bad, and give them the proper combination of each, then you can whisper 'give me all your money' in their ear while they are in the throes of passion, and they will hardly notice, but they will *do* it. {Excuse me, but I've got to go have a smoke...be right back...} In reality, as the GodLessCommies from the Institute for Social Research undoubtedly explained to Rocky, after he had a shower, was that the same basic rules applied, whether you were using your real name or using an alias, such as Reverend Sun Moon, Jim Baker, Jim Jones, Dr. Cameron, or Richard Helms. As a matter of fact, one of the main reasons for the intensity of the Rockerfeller Foundation's interest in the use of Radio for Social/Mind Control was that one of Rocky's financial and political associates, Adolf Hitler, had begun 'stealing the show,' so to speak, with the vivacity of his powerful presence in the medium. Another factor in the Rockerfeller Foundations quest to learn the secret of using Radio as a tool of social and mind control was the emergence of Radio's younger cousin, Television, which showed promise of being able to surpass Radio's ClitLicking talents, and go straight for the G-spot. Theodor Adorno wrote, in regard to TeleVision, in 1944, "Its consequences will be quite enormous and promise to intensify the impoverishment of aesthetic matter so drastically that by tomorrow the thinly veiled identity of all industrial culture products can come triumphantly out in the open, derisively fulfilling the Wagnerian dream of the Gesamtkunstwerk--the fusion of all the arts into one work." (The New World ArtEr) In other words, TeleVision was seen by the I.S.P, the Rockerfellers, Military Intelligence Agencies, et al, FROM ITS VER INCEPTION, as a useful tool in using intellectually lame, but emotionally significant content, as an instrument of social control which could be used to significantly influence the minds/thought/beliefs/opinions of the public. (In other words, TV wasn't born 'retarded' by 'accident.') So, whether or not one believes in a single individual, or group of individuals, who is secretly running the world and controlling the whole of our reality, it seems that there are certainly a number of people who are *trying* to do so. The techniques of mind-control are nothing new--they are centuries old and are only being 'refined' in our time, through research and experiment- ation, to be applical over a wider range of geography than simply the local village, and over a greater spectrum of ethnicity than the members of closely related tribes. The future of TeleVision was set a half-century ago by people of wealth and power who had gone to great pains to research the best way to develop the electronic media as a tool of social control via mind control. Even the most cursory of checks indicates that members of Military Intelligence agencies were as 'thick as thieves' in the creation and management of the Television Industry. These people have had over a half-century to develop and refine their control of and use of electronic media to meet their own ends. Wouldn't it be terrifying if they had not only developed the means to put their witting and unwitting shills *anywhere* they wanted in our societies, corporations, governments and educational institutions, but also had a means to use their shills in every area of our life, in order to influence what we see, think and the way in which we perceive our world...? [WATCH THIS SPACE]ALIEN