* Reply to msg originally in Cypherpunks <INET> BK> I just downloaded pgp22.zip from soda, and pkunzip complains about BK> every file having a bad checksum. I'm still using pkunzip 1.1, and I BK> know that pgp20 had problems with some versions of pkunzip. Do I need BK> to get pkunzip 2.04g? The problem I found was that the file was not only compressed with the 2.04? PKZip, but that the -d option had been invoked to preserve a very silly \DOC subdirectory for the documentation. The result was that PGP22.ZIP could not be unZIPped with _either_ version's simple PKUNZIP command, but required the 2.04 version with the -d switch in the command line. I finally got the file unZIPped, but rezipped it as a simple .ZIPfile - without the ridiculous subdirectory - with v 1.10, which will unpack with either version. It's this package that I'm passing along. Hope this helps. JN ... When the going gets tough, the smart get lost. --- Blue Wave/Opus v2.12 [NR]-- John Nieder - via FidoNet node 1:125/555 UUCP - ...!uunet!hoptoad!kumr!fidogate!33!John.Nieder INTERNET - John.Nieder@f33.n125.z1.FIDONET.ORG