Riiiigggh! And posting your full name, address, phone number, date of birth, social security number, the account and expiration dates of all your credit cards + the 3 digit extra code on their backs, ATM card account # and the PIN, plus, several samples of your signature (optional) in JPEG format, and the code to your alarm system on your web page will prevent identity theft. So, whaddayasay? It's a fine bridge, lightly used, as you can see, it's got a lotta traffic between Manhattan and Brooklyn, I could sell it to you real cheap, 'cause you look like a nice guy and all, you know, you could make a fortune, setup a toll booth and all that. R. A. Hettinga wrote:
Horseman #1, Terrorists: Check. Horseman #2, Pedophiles: Check.
Cheers, RAH ---------
<http://news.scotsman.com/print.cfm?id=2844122&referringtemplate=http%3A%2F%2Fnews%2Escotsman%2Ecom%2Flatest%2Ecfm&referringquerystring=id%3D2844122> print close Tue 27 Apr 2004
2:47am (UK) Id Cards 'Will Protect Youngsters from Paedophiles'
By James Lyons, Political Correspondent, PA News
Identity cards will help keep youngsters safe from perverts, Education Secretary Charles Clarke claimed today.