Gatton Nomen wrote:
I am completely expendable, I have no family members that depend on me, and I am technically proficient enough to do most electrical work, and highly trained in Martial Arts and personal hygiene, and I love This Country.
Covert operators are most often detected by their body odor, Americans have a most distinctive odor when anxious, frightened or on pep pills issued for special ops. Native fighters operate in the dark with acoustic reverbs and smell. Camouflage paint is a dead giveaway, as are laundry and body soap, shampoo, shaving lather, bug spray, weapons lubricant, food, no scent deodorant, mouth odor. No machine detectors need to pick these up, just a body which has no acquaintance with them. Now the same is true of native warfighters if you calibrate your ears and nose to pick the sound and scent, and your own exhumations don't drown on the signal. The 935,000 meals being dropped by the US will do just fine to camouflage the Afghans from hunting canines and other seeker animals used by special ops. Unless the smear is used to track the hunters. In Nam the heavyweight Americans could be singled out by the impact of their booted feet compared to the half-weight natives barefoot or in sandals. Ear to the ground like the Amerindians detected oncoming calvary from miles away. The long waves carried superbly underground as technologies later discovered for covert interceptions of crosstalk. Hollywood Haq may have been detected by his use of US cosmetics and shitting American food, smoking Winstons, and whatever infidel brands he fell in love with.