At 12:10 AM +0200 6/21/97, Anonymous wrote:
Let's cut all the doom and gloom here. The bill isn't passed yet. It's got to go through at least one and possibly two more committees before it reaches the senate floor, where we'll have another chance to defeat it.
Even then the house has to pass similar legislation. That will be yet another chance.
Even if it makes it thru Congress, perhaps it can be challenged by the courts because of possible 4th amendent abuses. Lots of opportunity to sink it. Sure this is a lousy turn of events, but it's only 1 battle. It isn't even close to the end of the war. john noerenberg jwn2@qualcomm.com pager: jwn2@pager.qualcomm.com -------------------------------------------------------------------- "We need not to be left alone. We need to be really bothered once in a while." -- Ray Bradbury, Farhenheit 451, 1953 --------------------------------------------------------------------