On Sunday, September 16, 2001, at 01:07 PM, Subcommander Bob wrote:
JERUSALEM (September 16) - About 1,500 Palestinians, many supporters of Hamas, marched in a Gaza Strip refugee camp Friday, burning Israeli flags and
carrying a large poster of Osama bin Laden, an exiled Saudi millionaire who US Secretary of State Colin Powell has named a key suspect in last week's terror attacks in the United States.
After the rally, plainclothes Palestinian policemen questioned several journalists, including members of foreign news agencies, and confiscated videotape, film, and other camera equipment. An Associated Press Television News video was among the materials taken, and an AP photographer was warned by officials not to publish pictures of the bin Laden poster.
What else is to be expected in the ZOG state? U.S. officials are instructing the Pakistani government to put an end to the street marches and shows of support. We may soon see press restrictions here in the U.S. What I think may happen is that as the cluster fuck progresses, with American cannon fodder coming home in body bags, the military dictatorship in Pakistan will fall as street protests and riots escalate. A repeat of the fall of Iran in 1979 (recall that the U.S. had also supported the military coup there). Then there will be a _large_ nation opposed strongly to the U.S., for reasons having to do with our adventurism in their region. Then maybe the nukes start flying with India, then the b-------------------------- ...TRANSMISSION TERMINATED...