6 Apr
6 Apr
7:44 a.m.
When I use the following command line in a batch file, I get a Compression/ decompression error. No files are created. The contents of the batch file is: pgp -es %1 %2 Diehl Where %1 is the name of the file to send, and %2 is the other person's name. What am I doing wrong, or is ther a problem with my pgp? Thanx in advance. -----BEGIN PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK----- Version: 2.2 mQA9Aiu/jVAAAAEBgM2F5mSlCA+KRd6TXIrqmPfiiAEytwSttZs7Yua939GMu2mP JL+5Qpi/ZKqF2nAJAwAFEbQsSi4gTWljaGFlbCBEaWVobCwgMSwgPG1kaWVobEB0 cml0b24udW5tLmVkdT4= =lyvx -----END PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK-----