Lucky Green wrote:
Eugene wrote:
On Sun, 9 Dec 2001, Lucky Green wrote:
--Lucky, waiting patiently for 2005.
Patent expiration date? Which one?
US Patent 4759063 "Blind Signature Systems" will expire on July 19, 2005. Given that this is a Tuesday and taking into account that whoever may own the patents at that time is not about to file a patent infringement suit on Monday, the last day the patent is valid, I hereby announce a patent expiration party at my place on Saturday, July 16 2005.
No need to wait so long for ecash implementations. Ben Laurie's Lucre software uses Wagner blinding, which is a non-signature based blinding system. The coin can only be verified by the bank, contrary to the definition of a digital signature, so the blind signature patent does not apply. Read more at