-----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE----- Message-Signature-Date: Tue Jan 23 17:18:12 1996 In article <ad21e7f60202100476b7@[]> tcmay@got.net (Timothy C. May) writes:
Date: Wed, 17 Jan 1996 01:38:47 -0800 From: tcmay@got.net (Timothy C. May) Newsgroups: omi.mail.cypherpunks
(In any case, even for those who disagree, modern filtering techniques make it trivial for the "gurus" to filter out all messages except by the several of themselves, so I've never understood the point about how the list must purge itself of "noise.")
To support Tim's thesis, I'll point out that I use the following lisp configuration directives (among others) along with a news-highlighting package that I hacked up (gnus-live.el) in order to make reading this list (bridged to a newsgroup at my site) a much nicer experience. When I enter the newsgroup, the authors and topics that I like are highlighted. I read this 5% of the list in about 15 min, skim another 5%, and then delete the other 90%. - From my perspective cypherpunks seems to be pretty * HIGH * bandwidth! ------------------------------ snip! ------------------------------ (gnus-live "Subject" "GAK Hacks and Position Surveillance") (gnus-live "Subject" "Libertarian Party and Crypto Anarchy") (gnus-live "Subject" "List of reliable remailers") (gnus-live "Subject" "^[A-Z][A-Z][A-Z]_[a-z][a-z][a-z] *$") ; jya's <FOO>-paper articles (gnus-live "From" "Steven Levy <steven@echonyc\\.com>") (gnus-live "From" "Bruce Schneier <schneier@winternet\\.com>") (gnus-live "From" "payne@openmarket\\.com") (gnus-live "From" "tjic@.*openmarket\\.com") (gnus-live "From" "[a-z\.]+@.*openmarket\\.com") (gnus-live "From" "tcmay@[mail\.]?got\\.net") (gnus-live "From" "bsg@basistech\\.com (Bernard S\\. Greenberg)") (gnus-live "From" "rah@shipwright\\.com (Robert Hettinga)") ------------------------------ snip! ------------------------------ - -- TJIC (Travis J.I. Corcoran) http://www.openmarket.com/personal/tjic/index.html Member EFF, GOAL, NRA. opinions (TJIC) != opinions (employer (TJIC)) "Buy a rifle, encrypt your data, and wait for the Revolution!" PGP encrypted mail preferred. Ask me about mail-secure.el for emacs. -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE----- Version: 2.6.2 Comment: Auto-signed by mail-secure.el 1.006 using mailcrypt Comment: Processed by Mailcrypt 3.3, an Emacs/PGP interface iQCVAwUBMQVepoJYfGX+MQb5AQGC+AP/ZgiOzJKNuz3ifGCsS4VHEqbA74D1NuT3 auOTUPi7qIUuGLy4GlNGTdv+tPileNuk66FCzAQ8jU+WjVjcUrqFHLoiGCEAAPeX kOJYIf0McaMNO0osz4pJU3//BzHz9HAP2YF8kCfytA+nfPihOtMaCfSpal66ALfl o9kWE4ue1+Q= =fRtA -----END PGP SIGNATURE-----