CommieRot! (english) by James 8:00pm Mon Sep 3 '01 Anarchists killed more people in Spain than pinochet in Chile.See... Post cut. Yeah, but... (english) by Superguy 10:50pm Mon Sep 3 '01 ...anarchists only killed bad people. on James and the Spanish Anarchists (english) by anarcho 1:36am Tue Sep 4 '01 James (who I imagine is that wonderfully inventive liar James Donald of Usenet infamy) provides a url in which he "exposes" Spanish Anarchism. The following URLs are in reply to such claims: This is a direct reply to James webpages: This is a more detailed reply to another such attack: I will leave it up to the reader to consult the all URLs and leave it to them to discover who is telling the truth. Readers may be interested in the following URL which refutes James Donald's infamously inaccurate and dishonest diatribes against Noam Chomsky these urls will indicate to the reader exactly what "James" is like.