"You may not speak anonymously on CD-R". I don't know what level of work would be required to modify it. Peter Trei<<
You may not speak anonymously on this list if your parole officers are reading because Peter Trei will dob you in,wont you peter? This is a nice little site to recruit rsa employees.The rsa is a jolly little Co that threatens educational Institutions for using PGP. They used to harass phill Zimmerman when the Govt wasn't.I dont know what level of APster it will take to get rid of rsa...but Id like to find out.APster attack is the best defence.Archive,sure.Attack above all.ATTACK. FEAST OF THE ASS: In the European Middle Ages, maidens ride asses to church, priest bray & sing hymns with heehaw choruses. http://streams.com/starchild/wesley/ass.html also the birthday of Paul Lafargue, Karl Marx's wayward son-in-law & author of The Right to be Lazy [1842].