It is possible for someone to operate an anonymous remailer anonymously. Just get a UNIX shell account under a fake name, pay with cash, and set up the remailing software. The identity of the operator of such a remailer would be difficult, if not impossible, to discover.
Thousands of users want to do just that, but can't code, which is currently nessessary for effiency and security. Do you want to help us out? I can do casual business and legal research, but source code is as good as cyphertext to me.
=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= markm@voicenet.com | finger -l for PGP key 0xe3bf2169 http://www.voicenet.com/~markm/ | d61734f2800486ae6f79bfeb70f95348 ((2b) || !(2b)) | Old key now used only for signatures "The concept of normalcy is just a conspiracy of the majority" -me