I did not see this on the list earlier, so I thought I'd post a copy. This message says that the Executive Branch wants to know what we think about CA's, escrow, strong crypto, and other issues. Anyone want to offer me a plane ticket to NIST in Gaithersburg, MD? - ---------- Forwarded message ---------- Date: Wed, 25 Jun 1997 10:36:44 -0400 (EDT) From: Elizabeth Lennon <lennon@email.nist.gov> To: Multiple recipients of list <itl-bulletin@nist.gov> Subject: Announcement of Public Forum and Request for Comments DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE Public Forum on Certificate Authorities and Digital Signatures: Enhancing Global Electronic Commerce AGENCY: Technology Administration, Commerce. ACTION: Notice of public forum and request for public comments. - ----------------------------------------------------------------------- SUMMARY: The Department of Commerce requests public comments on various aspects of the public key infrastructure related to certificate authorities and digital signatures. This request for public comment will enable the Department, and other Executive Branch agencies, to benefit from the expertise and views of the private sector, states, localities, non-profits, industry associations and other national and international entities. Specific questions that the Department seeks public comments on are listed in ``Supplementary Information''. A ``Public Forum on Certificate Authorities and Digital Signatures: Enhancing Global Electronic Commerce'' is being sponsored by the Department on this topic. The comments received by the Department will aid in effectively supporting Administration initiatives on electronic commerce issues. DATES: The ``Public Forum on Certificate Authorities and Digital Signatures: Enhancing Global Electronic Commerce'' will be held on July 24, 1997, from 8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. Advanced registration for the ``Public Forum'' is due by July 16, 1997. Written comments are due by July 16, 1997. Requests to participate as a panelist in the ``Public Forum'' are due by July 2, 1997. ADDRESSES: The ``Public Forum on Certificate Authorities and Digital Signatures: Enhancing Global Electronic Commerce'' will take place at the Green Auditorium, Administration Building, National Institute of Standards and Technology, Gaithersburg, Maryland. Written comments should be sent to: Director, Information Technology Laboratory, ATTN: ``Public Forum on Certificate Authorities and Digital Signatures'', Technology Building, Room A231, National Institute of Standards and Technology, Gaithersburg, MD 20899. Electronic comments may be sent to ECFORUM@NIST.GOV. Electronic comments should be in ASCII, MS word or WordPerfect formats. No comments will be accepted by voice phone or by fax. PUBLIC INFORMATION: The Department, based on comments received and expressions of interest, will organize the Public Forum as a series of panels, with short presentations and then a period for questions from the audience. Not all issues included in this notice may be covered in the public forum, and the Department may organize the program along lines different than the questions are presented. Members of the public who are interested in serving on a panel are asked to contact the individual listed in FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT below. Due to time and physical constraints, and in order to develop an effective program, not all requests can be honored. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Mr. Edward Roback, Information Technology Laboratory, National Institute of Standards and Technology, Building 820, Room 426, Gaithersburg, MD 20899-0001. (301) 975-3696. For planning purposes, advanced registration is requested by July 16, 1997. To register, please fax your name, postal address, telephone and e-mail address to: 301-948-1233, ATTN: ``July 24 Public Forum''. Space permitting, registration will also be available at the door. The July 24th meeting is open to the public. There is no registration fee for the Public Forum. SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: The ``Public Forum'' on Certificate Authorities and Digital Signatures: [[Page 31412]] Enhancing Global Electronic Commerce'' will be held on July 24, 1997 at the Green Auditorium, Administration Building, National Institute of Standards and Technology, Gaithersburg, MD. Copies of written submissions received by July 16, 1997, will be made available at the Public Forum. Issues for Public Comment and Themes of the Public Forum The emergence of a public key infrastructure, and the demands of global electronic commerce, have generated significant private sector and governmental efforts to develop a reliable system of certificate authorities that enable use of trustworthy digital signatures. The Department of Commerce, and other Executive Branch agencies, seek public comment on and are planning a Public Forum that encompasses the following issues. By seeking comment from the varied parties and interests, reflecting the many initiatives that are underway, the Executive Branch will be better able to assess emerging initiatives on digital signatures and certificate authorities; ensure that the federal government's PKI activities take advantage of the latest developments and directions in the private sector; and aid federal government officials and industry representatives participating in domestic and international fora on these issues. 1. State government initiatives through ``digital signature laws.'' Some two dozen states have passed some form of ``digital signature laws'' in the last two years. The Department encourages comments from relevant state government agencies on the experiences and issues that have arisen during the process of implementing these laws, including the status of any registration of certificate authorities. Comments that reflect the systematic aspects of digital signature laws are especially encouraged. Comments are also encouraged by users and stakeholders in the systems that result from passage of these ``digital signature laws.'' 2. The evolving legal framework of certificate authorities and digital signatures. A number of private sector efforts are underway to examine and recommend changes to the legal and regulatory framework that could contribute to a reliable system of certificate authorities. The Department notes the efforts, among others, of the American Bar Association (``Digital Signature Guidelines'') and the National Commission on Uniform State Laws. The Department encourages comments from all private sector efforts which are undertaking efforts in this area. 3. The technology and business challenges of certificate authorities and digital signatures. In response to user demands, an industry of certificate authorities is emerging. The Department seeks comments from those entities that are offering services and technologies that relate to issuing certificates and digital signatures. 4. User requirements and expectations. A multitude of sectors can be expected to utilize a reliable system of certificate authorities and digital signatures. The Department seeks comments from any and all sectors that are developing performance requirements and user expectations in this area. Comments are encouraged from non-profits and governmental entities, as well as for-profit enterprises. 5. An international perspective. A number of countries and international fora are examining the issues of a reliable system of certificate authorities and use of digital signatures. The Department notes the activities of UNCITRAL, the OECD, as well as recent developments in Germany, Japan, the European Union, etc. The Department invites comments from international representatives on the issues outlined in this notice and participation in the Public Forum. Comments received in response to this notice will be made part of the public record and will be available for inspection and copying in the Central Reference and Records Inspection Facility, Room 6020, Herbert C. Hoover Building, 14th Street between Pennsylvania and Constitution Avenues, NW, Washington, DC 20230. The Department intends to publish the proceedings of the Public Forum, and all public comments, as soon as possible after the July 24th meeting. Dated: June 3, 1997. Mary L. Good, Under Secretary of Commerce for Technology. [FR Doc. 97-14991 Filed 6-6-97; 8:45 am] BILLING CODE 3510-CN-M