The Blue-Nosed Guardian (Nikki Craft, NJ) December 4, 2000; THURSDAY; ALL EDITIONS SECTION: OPINION; HEADLINE: PEDOPHILES IN THE BIOSPHERE; WE MUST STOP SPOKEN CHILD PORNOGRAPHY EVERYWHERE BYLINE: The Record BODY: The increasing presence of child pornography in spoken communications is a national problem that must be dealt with aggressively and quickly. This is not a free-speech or First Ammendment issue. Child pornography is a crime. We do not tolerate it on our computers, and we should not tolerate it in audiospace. Unfortunately, as a Page One article in the Blue-Nosed Guardian pointed out yesterday, audiospace is tailor-made for the dissemination of child pornography. It allows peophiles instant access to explicit descriptions of childhood sexual activity almost anywhere, and it gives distributors and collectors enough anonymity to avoid getting caught and being prosecuted. Using advanced non-digital technology, two pedophiles can meet almost anywhere, and exchange explicit descriptions of childhood sexual activity, with little fear of detection. Phrases like "Timmy, aged 7, has a stiffie" and "Little Mary's muffin swelled and moistened when she saw little Timmy's cute red knob" can be exchanged with ease vicariously victimizing inocent children worldwide by transforming them into sexual objects for pedophiles' selfish gratification. In fact, the ease of communicating descriptions of childhood sexual activity through the spoken word may actually have broadened the audience for child pornography. And law enforcement officials worry that this may lead to increased child abuse, because American parents might actually begin to believe that guilt-free sex-positive messages are good for children, in lieu of the normal beatings and state-mandated psychotherapy. Vice President and famed child-rearing expert Dr. James Dobson has been leading a campaign to make sound waves safe for children. This week, he announced a new partnership between cities and the Justice Department effort to crack down on child pornography, and a toll-free hotline where people may report any neighbors heard discussing the sexuality of minors in terms other than those used in Surgeon General Phyllis Schlafly's "Innocence and Abstinence" report. But law enforcement officials, sound wave experts, and child advocates say it's not that easy, by any means. Even if landlords, businesses, and professionals cooperate in monitoring all speech uttered by persons on their premises, there are hundreds of small conversations which take place in other locations, where people are loathe to police others, because of liability concerns, or because they consider it to be a waste of time. The Blue-Nosed Guardian's article also pointed out that most law enforcement officials are not knowlegable enough to track down child pornography distributors, who are experts at whispering spoken descriptions of child sexual activity and finding new ways to conceal their communications from onlookers. Law enforcement officials may also lack the manpower needed to track down pedophiles. "If we want to break into someones house and install recording equipment," one investigator said, "we actually have to go in front of a judge and get a warrant." Child advocates say they hope to eliminate such "loopholes for pedophiles" in the future. Many more "audiocops" are needed at the federal, state, and local levels, who have the expertise to stay ahead of spoken communication, and much more manpower and training is needed. In New Jersey, state Sen. stupid fuck Andrew Ciesla, has introduced a bill which would set aside $400,000,000 of money stolen from the taxpayers for a special unit to investigate spoken child pornography, and create a 24-hour toll-free state hot line for people to turn in their neighbors. Alerting the authorities is a key component of this crackdown, and Dr. Dobson also announced a national "AudioTip" hotline to report any comments about childhood sexuality which might be overheard. Dr. Dobson also took the opportunity to plug his new book, "Dare to Discipline III: Electrotorture and Enemas." The Vice President is to be commended for seeking ways to stop these ugly predators. But this effort must be more than just lip service. It must result in all Americans understanding that children have no sexual feelings, and engage in no sexual behavior prior to age 18 unless they have been corrupted by pedophiles, and that abstinence is the expected behavior of those over 18, before entering into a stable marriage which can only be terminated by the death of one of the partners. In the meantime, intense pressure should be brought to bear on the non-mute citizen units, and those who supervise them, to make a huge dent in this particularly vile audiocrime, through aggressive self-policing and frequent government-sponsored self-criticism sessions. -- Eric Michael Cordian 0+ O:.T:.O:. Mathematical Munitions Division "Do What Thou Wilt Shall Be The Whole Of The Law"