attila writes:
On Thu, 9 Jul 1998, Declan McCullagh forwarded from TIME:
... The revolution will not be televised -- at least not in Afghanistan. The Taliban government today banned TV, and gave Afghans 15 days to get rid of all sets and VCRs. After that, if the organization's enforcers find one in your house, it will be destroyed and you will be punished. ...
sounds good to me; I've raised 5 children who know how to _read_.
[rant against tv deleted] While I agree that TV is a brain-sucking void, banning any form of dissemination of information is a Bad Thing and a sign of serious government oppression. First the came for the TV sets, and I didn't say anything because TV is merely bread and circuses for the masses. Then they came for my radio, and I didn't complain because I can't get Rush very good anyhow. Then they came for the newspaper, and that really pissed me off, so I wanted to protest. I wanted my protest to get a lot of exposure, so I went to call the TV and radio stations but they don't exist any more.
policy goals of Hillay's Global Village where everybody is just another butterscotch pudding to her recipe.
I'd rather be dealing with Hillary than the Talliban. -- Eric Murray Chief Security Scientist N*Able Technologies www.nabletech.com (email: ericm at lne.com or nabletech.com) PGP keyid:E03F65E5