Hey, if you're going to feed the trolls, might as well feed them something interesting... Does it bare investigation, or bear it :-) ? And of course there's no need for government FUD in a cypherpunks environment, since there has always been plenty of volunteer work by the private sector. At 07:05 AM 5/16/2006, Tyler Durden wrote:
Oh...seems the same idea corssed your mind too.
That guy's english was also suspiciously good...
Either way, it bares further investigation...
From: Justin <justin-cypherpunks@soze.net> To: cypherpunks@jfet.org Subject: Re: Fwd: Some legal trouble with TOR in France Date: Tue, 16 May 2006 03:11:47 +0000
On 2006-05-15T08:12:17-0700, coderman wrote:
ah, reputation and trust. my favorite crux
Uh-huh, or maybe le France is a haven for anonymous communications, and this FUD is a joint project of other western governments... governments that DO control all tor and remailer services within their borders.