"William H. Geiger III" <whgiii@amaranth.com> writes:
For the most part thoses labeled as "terrorist" are the one who are fighting against an aggressor. Most terrorist don't just wake up one morning and decide to start blowing things up. They only become active after a foreign power attacks them and they react in self defence no different if some one breaks into you house and you shoot them (I am sure that there are some liberal winnies here who think that selfdefence is wrong). ...
Rant: I think Joseph Stalin was a cool guy, even though he had my great-grandpa shot (who was btw a U.S. citizen). One of the many interesting contributions Joe Stalin made to the Marxist theory was the observation that the class struggle intensifies as the old mode of production becomes obsolete; and that there's really no difference between "terrorist acts" and government-sponsored violence and economic deprivation. You might view the second statement as the generalization of Klauzewitz's (or Bismarck's?) maxim that war is the continuation of foreign policy by other means. Consider, for example, the evolution from the feudal mode of production to capitalism in Spanish Netherlands. The representatives of the Spanish King first tries to suppress the emerging capitalism by increased regulation and taxation. When that failed, they resorted to mass executions and confiscations under the guise of fighting Protestants. Consider, for example, a Black child in the United States who dies of a trivial curable disease because of the lack of health care. Consider the child's parents who labor "off the books" in menial jobs, who are deprived by the state from the ability to marry, to work "on the books", to hold a bank account, et al. Is being deprived from the results of one's labor that different from being sold at an auctioned and whipped in a public ceremony to terrify other (wage) slaves? Joe Stalin himself took part in several spectacular terrorist acts in his youth, which resulted in deaths of dozens of "innocent bystanders". What I'm driving at is: someone said earlier that Cypherpunks don't make bombs, Cypherpunks write code. Well, my response is, if you write code for anonymous electronic commerce that seriously challenges the gubmint, in a free market environment, then the gubmint will first try to regulate it out of existence, and if it fails, it will use whatever force is necessary, including jailing and shooting people, to fight for it survival. The obsolete ruling class is doomed by thr inevitable historical process, but it will put up a tremendous fight before giving up its ghost. Prepare for crypto to be criminalzed. Prepare for the former cpunks who "sold out" (C2Net and the like) to support criminalization of crypto use within the U.S. in exchange for a possible relexation of export rules. Prepare for any instrument that resembles bearer bonds to be outlawed. Prepare for Internet gambling to be outlawed. Prepare for class struggle. --- Dr.Dimitri Vulis KOTM Brighton Beach Boardwalk BBS, Forest Hills, N.Y.: +1-718-261-2013, 14.4Kbps