Hello, Are you looking for your first Home business...or your last? If it's your first, wouldn't you like it to be your last? Your last should be like going home....it should be the one that allows you to double your full time income on a part time basis, is stable, will be there for your heirs, and give you the lifestyle you dream of. Wouldn't it be great ....... EXPLOSIVE GROWTH of a proven, business-building internet marketing system? May I have your permission to send you a URL link to show you an internet run, rapidly expanding leg in a company that has a 16 year track record, 15 years of double digit growth, no inventory to buy or sell, and whose successful representative have nearly all found this to be the "last" business they needed? Just reply to this letter with "show me" in the subject line and I'll send the link along. (If you'd like to receive additional info by snail mail, please include your full name, address, and phone in the body.) Best Regards, Kevin *To be removed from this list please reply with REMOVE as the Subject*