-----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE----- every now and then, the southern end of a northbound horse, with the creative writing talents of a recent graduate of the State School for the Mentally Deficient, backs into town. his favourite site: http://pages.prodigy.com/VT/hackersguide somebody ought to tell the poor soul on a horse with no name he aimlessly backed into town lacking the ability to aim. the moniker tells it all: BJORN2LUZE the origin confirms it: @prodigy.com is MALLAMACE an abbreviated anagram for 'malicious mace?' but, then again, maybe he sounds intelligent on Prodigy.... shilling for the apocalypse == Lord grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change. The courage to change the things I can. And the wisdom to hide the bodies of the people I had to kill because they pissed me off. --attila -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE----- Version: 2.6.3i Charset: latin1 Comment: Encrypted with 2.6.3i. Requires 2.6 or later. iQCVAwUBMsG38L04kQrCC2kFAQFmwAQAg2R4CNgsMnZP/hkoo9XH+cojHbQRmrSl OXZ7xu13MdzeI4/HQoowRkr+Jm9xkgDAHn6mjrel8Xm5cIM1g/eFpXDpbb+WVhqD bFg6TtUq/tC4i7gaRjAzDPqA1xqLftmWOouJRDfsq/iqEMNki8bhg2B6xnjNdBm+ sq2WWkRj66k= =vGcI -----END PGP SIGNATURE----- ====== original ====== on 12/25/96 at 05:03 PM, (NATHAN MALLAMACE) said: :: Sorry I wasn't able obtain the original SUBJECT here. :: Through-out the moral existance of the internet I find ::no reason to stop the comunications. There are factors like ::no AT&T, MCI, or SPRINT (those dime-a-minute rates are ::baffling). GOOD. Then there are more ideas exchanged. This ::can be a PLUS for businesses that are RETAILERS (in the long ::run). The internet can be used to UNITE the world with a ::single language. The internet can be used to share ideas, ::learn, and a good place to visit when you are feeling down. :: Now if you believe anything I said, than the idea that ::the iternet brings is UNITY. Isn't it strange that within ::the last 3 years, (taken from a local news channel) people ::have agreed that the U.S. is moving in a positive direction? ::Not really, within these last three years is the exact time ::the internet had become most publicly available. With ::PRODIGY, AOL, and COMPUSERVE making it happen. Who is the ::original credit due to? ::Tell me. ::-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- ::my favorite site: ::http://pages.prodigy.com/VT/hackersguide ::on the internet today. ::-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- :: --Nathan ============ Whew, it's the END of forward ============