"Eric J. Tune" <paladin@lvcablemodem.com> writes:
You ever served in the military? Unless you've been under fire, you should shut the fuck up about shit you know nothing about nor could comprehend.
Similarly, only rapists should judge other rapists, only murderers other murderers, only SS members other SS members, and only soldiers other soldiers, only tyrants other tyrants, only gas-chamber operators other gas-chamber operators. Waaaaaaa! The Baby-Napalmers of the world cry, no one "understands" us.
Listen up jerk, in case you didn't get any news during 1990, Iraq attacked Kuwait, and murdered thousands of Kuwaitis.
Iraq, mislead by the US into believing that there would be no interference in its long-standing dispute with Kuwait, annexed it, providing a pretense for the US to do some dirty work for the Israelis, who did not want to tolerate an Arab military giant in their region. Kuwait provoked Iraq far more than places like Panama and Grenada have provoked the United States, when US forces poured in to remove existing governments, and install regimes sympathetic to Washington, also killing thousands of uninvolved civilians. Then again, perhaps you believed the touching "Baby Incubator" story performed by the daughter of the Kuwaiti ambassador for an appreciative Congress, who were unaware of who she was, or that she was lying through her teeth. Perhaps you were also unaware that American public opinion during the Persian Gulf War was under the control of a domestic public relations firm hired by the government of Kuwait.
"Don't start no shit and there won't be no shit"... ever heard that, asshole
America always manages to find some pretense to fight the wars it decides to fight. Sometimes there is a staged attack, and an arrangement for allies to "invite" us into the conflict. Other times, some imagined threat, like the chance that an infant formula factory "could be used" to produce material that "might be used" for chemical or biological warfare. Most of us who have watched the antics of America for more than a few decades see through the transparent rhetoric employed in such situations to manufacture public consent.
America would have never been involved if Iraq hadn't invaded Kuwait.
Well, at least another pretense would have had to be engineered to implement the ZoG agenda.
I was there, in a Bradley,
Next time, try under a Bradley.
and we could have rolled all over Baghdad, especially after what the Iraqi bastards did to the Kuwaitis, but it wasn't done. Unfortunately Saddam Hussein stayed in power. There will not be a shred of a chance for peace in that region until he is DEAD.
Right. Let's kill the only secular leader of the only secular government in a region full of religious fruitcakes that either believe that God has awarded them other peoples land in the Bible, or that lopping off body parts is the appropriate punishment for criticizing nonsense. I didn't see Sadaam Hussein issuing any death sentences against Salmon Rushdie.
I don't think air strikes are the answer to this, and I think Clinton is a moron for his present policy, War is the worst thing that man can do to other men, and there is no such thing as "the good fight"... war is hell. Period. Until you have been in a war, you have no idea of what you are talking about.
It's interesting that the nation that engaged in continuous national nonstop whining over the kids in the exploding federal building daycare center commits such crimes at the drop of a hat in other countries, merely to send some ambiguous foreign policy message.
But if you think that Iraq was "more right" or better yet, "less wrong", you need a radical lobotomy, or perhaps you've already had one.
I would be more than happy to put Sadaam in charge of Israel, Iran, Saudi Arabia, and the UAE. You know, Iraq is a multicultural nation. It even has a Jewish communuity. That's why "secular" is always better than a religious state stuffing organized superstition and paternalistic Sky-God fairy tales down the throats of its subjects.
Evidently, you again know nothing of what the Iraqis did to the Kuwaitis on their way in to Kuwait. Get educated, shithead.
So the fact that Iraqis may have mistreated Kuwaitis justifies George Bush's order to destroy "everything that moves" on the only path out of the impending American invasion, including civilians fleeing for their lives with children in carseats? That's the kind of logic I'd expect from a professional babykiller.
You sound like nothing more than disillusioned, spoiled, pompous asshole when you presume to know what Americans "understand". Your anarchistic ravings only mark you for the idiot you are.
If you'd get your commanding officers cock out of your ass, and stop listening to the propaganda they feed you, then maybe you would be worthy of further discussion. You have the choice to not join an army that commits atrocities on foreign soil, and to refuse orders which conflict with whatever remaining conscience you have. If you join, and you go over there, and you kill people, then you are no better than any other murderer. Middle Eastern affairs pose no threat to the Constitution of the United States, which is, after all, the only thing you are empowered to defend by shooting at others.
To everyone else besides Cordian who reads this, my apologies, but for all it's failings, I still have pride in America... ...not for all the foreign policy bullshit or the way the government fucks us over, or starts wars, or sticks their collective nose in other countries business...but for the fact that as a whole people, Americans still keep trying, everyday, to be a better people. I'm proud of that.
America needs a low-level format. Soon. -- Eric Michael Cordian 0+ O:.T:.O:. Mathematical Munitions Division "Do What Thou Wilt Shall Be The Whole Of The Law"