Actually, it doesn't take too much effort to discover them yourself. Get a visual basic discomplier (VB version 4 compatible need, I think), and go for It. I cracked version 1.5 of the Cybank software - I could load up an ".INI file" with as much "value" as I wanted. Basically, they seem to convert ASCII characters to the decimal value of the hex code, then add, subtract etc on that value, along with some XOR'ing of the resulting string and an embedded table of data. Oh, and it's all "locked" by the serial number, generated from the install date and time. Yeah I trust it - not. I hesitate to distribute the discomplied source code I used, asince it may get used by the unscrupulous to do trusting Cybank customers out of their hard earned money. Maybe, enough resquests will convince me otherwise. Or, take a challenge, - it took me 6 hours to achieve this, including learing enough VB3 (ther version I cracked, 1.5 was in VB3). Lyal -- All mistakes in this message belong to me - you should not use them!