Tim May wrote:
For every negro welfare momma who took money for the past number of years, tell her to pay it all back, with compounded interest, or face time in a labor camp to repay what she stole. And if she cannot, or will not, which is ovewhelmingly likely, harvest her organs (if any takers can be found) and send the leftovers up the smokestacks.
Ditto for the queers who have collected "public health" funds to pay for their sodomy. (I have no issue with their choices of partners, except that the diseases they contract via their habits, and their inability to work, is their problem, not mine. And not any corporations, except by the choice of that corporation.)
Vengeance libertarianism is the rational kind. It will result in 20-40 million of the leeches, the bums, the minority grifters, the so-called aggrieved, the winos, the addicts, all being sent up the chimneys.
See, the problem with your attitude is that it results in a "me me me" approach. If mankind would act that way we would have been extinct a long time ago. A single human being is a rather weak individual. There isn't much we could have done. Only after we managed to work together as a society we were able to "conquer" the planet, and most likely ultimatly destroy it for all forms of life. Even though I do not agree with people sitting on their asses and not working, I do not think that we should turn our backs to them and ignore them. If society casts out the weakest as a strategie of survival than something here is horribly wrong. Your Stereotyping doesn't really help either to make your point as they are just simply painting black and white, and literally meaning it that way. Quality of Life has nothing to do with how much money you make, but how you live your life. This seems to be something that is slowly forgotten in the western world, especially north america. M.