The April Bay Area Cypherpunks Meeting will be held jointly with the Clan MacDude Back To The Beach party, April 12 at Bonny Doon Beach. ( www.macdude.org , http://www.macdude.org/aprbeach.htm for event description.) Among other things, John Randolph was planning to do a Great Wall of Fire with his leftover moving boxes, and various other cypherpunks are part of the Glorious Clan, which is a generally silly organization. Cypherpunkish agenda: It's been a quiet month, except for Jim Bell. CFP was just after the March meeting. The UK is hyping Key Escrow. Bring some discussion topics that benefit from handwaving but don't need a blackboard :-) Ron Rivest and Carl Ellison have been doing some good work on key distribution. PGP Inc. is up to something. China is announcing plans for Hong Kong. It's also time to celebrate "Diffie-Hellman Would Have Been Patent-Free!" day, though of course they changed the patent laws to make it September. MacDude planned events Fizzball: A game involving cheap evil smelling beer and large stick Caber toss: Except that we use a surf board Haggis toss: Using an old Bean Bag Chair Siege engines: How far can you launch a can of fizzbeer? Bonny knees contest: Best legs in (or out) of a kilt, blindfolded judging. Dry Ice bombs: Dry Ice in plastic soda bottles, big boom. Fire: Fire pit as executed by the army corpse of engineers Music: Bardic and Filk around the burning pit of doom and cheer Food and drink: bring stuff for potlucking. Silly clothes: Plaid and hawaiian print. "During the day there will be many special events including a Caber toss (with a longboard), a contest for best legs in a kilt (judging with and without blindfolds), ritual sacrificing of consumer goods, sand fortress building and, of course, fizzball. There will be a potluck dinner on the beach featuring a whole roast pig. Time: All day, especially afternoon and dinner time. What to bring: Food, Toys, Silly People, Sand-tolerant musical instruments. Catapults are good, too... Directions to Bonny Doon: Bonny Doon Beach is about 8-9 miles north of Santa Cruz on Hwy 1 (still south of Davenport (but only just...)). Bonny Doon Road is inland. The beach is between the highway and the ocean. Park and walk over the hill to the ocean. (This hill is a steep begger, with an abandoned rail line across the top.) Map: http://www.vicinity.com/yt.hm?FAM=mapblast&CMD=GEO&SEC=find&IC=0%3A0%3A5&IC% 3A=Beach+Party&AD2=Highway+1+%26+Bonny+Doon+Rd.&AD3=Santa+Cruz%2C+CA ASCII MAP 1 | | Beach |------ Bonny Doon Road | | ~ ~ Santa Cruz # Thanks; Bill # Bill Stewart, +1-415-442-2215 stewarts@ix.netcom.com # You can get PGP outside the US at ftp.ox.ac.uk/pub/crypto/pgp # (If this is a mailing list, please Cc: me on replies. Thanks.)