goal peaceful nights productive days
and that made me think of all the insomniatic nights that she stayed up with me and mirrored my every move and snuggled me right out of my anxiety into dreamland long after grant and cate had drifted off
plan to be surprised
like this one for instance my older brother uploaded it while reminiscing about the old buggie he rebuilt in the 80s
women who have these hormonal issues typically carry alot of weight around the middle (due to the out of control insulin and resultant too high of testosterone) and a high protein and fiber diet combined with low carbs really helps with that an added benefit is that these types of foods are so filling and you avoid the highs and crashes that people with blood sugar problems live by
and as ive been laying in my misery ive been thinking a lot about that penny and just how lonely id be if she wasnt there with me
i love all the sweet artistically talented bloggers that offer free downloads around holidays for us readers
valentines day preparations
what an adventure it is
the girl loves chocolate milk
let me preface this by saying that there is no one size fits all eating plan for someone with hormonal issues for some women cysts irregular cycles lack of ovulation and too much testosterone and its effects are directly related to bad insulin regulation in their body for these women they may be able to restore better regularity with avoiding blood sugar spikes by not eating carbohydrates therefore eliminating the insulin problem that is why so many women can conceive with metformin or glucophage because these medicines work at that level
let me explain Buoy
again happy things
confession i miss saved by the bell
and then i realized i love her so much
remember how i was so proud that my room was clean and i was knitting well i still am