Tired of NOT making money on the internet? Did you REALLY believe that ALL you had to do was: Put up a web page somewhere in Cyberspace with beautiful graphics, the latest Java and some frames; Advertise in a few free classifieds; Act like an expert in newsgroups; since you're not supposed to advertise in them; And, customers were going to beat a path to your door. If you believed that- BOY, have I got some swampland in Florida for you! If you want to make money on the internet, YOU'D better be PROACTIVE! YOU'D better go after business like you MEAN IT! YOU'D better send some E-MAIL - Lots of it! And YOU'D better tell your story as much as you can, as often as you can, to whomever you can! WELCOME TO THE REAL WORLD. Bulk e-mail works! If you know how to write an ad, identify a need, and fullfill it with your product, you can make money on the Internet EVEN on a very limited budget. This form of advertising has been proven MUCH MORE EFFECTIVE than other forms of advertising because people read their e-mail. And, the message will wait in the recipient's e-mail box until it is read. Your message is SEEN not buried! Your business deserves a piece of the fastest growing industry in the U.S.- THE HOME-BASED BUSINESS INDUSTRY ( $427 billion in annual sales). Internet sales are projected to be over $10 billion by the year 2000, up from $300 million in 1994. We've got the addresses YOU need. A Web site alone, posting through newsgroups and registering with a few search engines while placing a few classifieds just won't work. What good is a Web page no one knows is there? Bulk e-mailing is the lowest-cost method of generating qualified sales leads, On average, a solo direct (snail) mail promotion would cost around $500.00 per thousand, whereas bulk e-mail costs pennies per thousand. No known form of media advertising can compete with the low cost of bulk e-mail. Our e-mail lists are maintained on state-of-the-art computers and are updated daily to assure you the very latest names for your mailings. Bulk Email Works!! Put your sales message in front of responsive buyers. Our lists are compiled from active and willing on-line purchasers and entrepreneurs. THESE ARE SERIOUS CUSTOMERS LOOKING FOR SERIOUS OFFERS! These BUYERS want to read and hear more about your products/services. Our list is updated daily with fresh and new email addresses. Even if you receive 1/10 of 1% response for mailing 1,000,000 email addresses you would receive 1000 replies !!!! How much money would you make? Save TIME and MONEY! Make money on the seat of your Pants! Focus entirely on your sales. Let us do your mailing for you at these INCREDIBLY LOW RATES: _____YES- mail my message to 50,000 responsive buyers for $49.95 _____YES- mail my message to 100,000 responsive buyers for $89.95 _____YES- mail my message to 250,000 responsive buyers for $199.95 _____YES- mail my message to 500,000 responsive buyers for $359.95 _____YES- mail my message to 1,000,000 responsive buyers for $679.95 _____YES- mail my message to 2,000,000 responsive buyers for $1299.95 *************** WE SPECIALIZE IN TARGETED MAILINGS - CALL FOR DETAILS*************** _____YES- mail my message to 5,000 targeted buyers for $79.95 _____YES- mail my message to 10,000 targeted buyers for $119.95 _____YES- mail my message to 15,000 targeted buyers for $154.95 _____YES- mail my message to 20,000 targeted buyers for $184.95 Type of business or people you need to target _____________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ We MAIL, MAIL, MAIL- YOU SELL, SELL, SELL. REMEMBER: Get 1/10 of 1% and from a mailing af 1,000,000 email addresses and you get 1000 replies!!! Would you make any money? We take CHECKS BY FAX get our most up to date list mailed for YOU by ordering NOW!! Call 407-956-1151 to order by phone or Fax your order to 407-952-7984 Office hours are Mon-Fri 10 am - 6 pm Eastern Standard Time. Make checks or money order payable to: PICC Or mail check or money order to: Progressive Internet Communications, Co. P.O. Box 100512 Palm Bay, Florida 32910-0512 ORDER YOUR MAILING PROGRAM TODAY!! ORDER FORM ======================================================== Name___________________________________________ Address__________________________________________ City______________________State_________Zip_______ E-Mail Address____________________________________ Phone___________________________________________ Business phone____________________________________ Check Ordering info: Name( exactly as it appears on check) ______________________________________________________ Check number_______________Dollar Amount_________________ **Fraction Code(numbers that appear below check number on top right) (do not leave blank-ex:123-45/6789)__________________________ Numbers at Bottom of check(read left to right please indicate blank spaces with a space)____________________________________________ Bank Name_____________________________________________ Bank Address____________________________________________ Bank City/Bank Zip Code___________________________________ Bank phone # (if applicable)_________________________________ ****** LIMIT 1 PAGE****** * when faxing check- fill out as you would normally do (write in the dollar amount and write VOID on the check. ** Cannot process order without fraction code ***Mailings are done within 5-8 business days from the day we receive payment. ** PLEASE BE SURE TO INCLUDE A SUBJECT LINE WITH YOUR AD** **IF ORDERING FROM OUTSIDE THE US PLEASE SEND US POSTAL MONEY ORDER**