To quote: Eric Hughes <>
Let's go back to the DOS-as-terminal issue. The politics and economics of DOS shareware is such that source code is almost never made available. Gnu public license software is rare in the DOS world.
I propose that interested cypherpunks write a DOS terminal program which _is_ free software. In order to overcome the inertia which Hal
Let's generalize a bit: Since PC based unix is more available, this package should run on either PC or UNIX platforms. Tip doesn't cut it as a terminal program for UNIX and I don't know of another... SLIP has it's disadvantages. So, what I'm proposing is that the OS interface stuff be crammed into an interface layer. One intriguing application: Write an interface layer that uses SOCKETS for connectivity. We want to avoid the kitchen sink mentality, BUT if we're going to spend lots of time on this package, then why have it all go to waste when time comes to port the sucker? Stig /* Jonathan Stigelman,, PGP public key by finger */ /* fingerprint = 32 DF B9 19 AE 28 D1 7A A3 9D 0B 1A 33 13 4D 7F */