Tim May wrote:
At 10:37 AM -0700 11/16/97, xxxxxxxxx wrote:
Tim May <tcmay@got.net> said:
(I did the same search several days ago, as Nakatuji once again became news here, and couldn't find any references at all to his exact name. Maybe the sites or archives that carried his pen pal requests, if it was he and not some other with the same name, had flushed this older stuff.)
Well I did some searching myself and the only thing I could find out side of the CP-Archives was the one post to the Einstein Male PenPal webpage using the e-mail address below.
Nobuki Nakatuji <nn1332@galaxynet.or.jp>
Is this the same Nobuki Nakatuji asking for money for descriptions of crypto programs? ("What am Misty?"..."You send money, I send description")
ROTFL! I look up all of the URLs in the InfoWar Chronicles sent to the list and I was mystified as to why the one you just mentioned (http://cuy.net/~einstein/local/malebook.html) was linked to when I clicked on the word _extortion_. Now it makes sense. Kinda. Maybe. If you click on the highlighted text _terrorists steeped in extremism and political hatred_ it sends you to whithouse.gov. When I get one of those chapters when I am too fucked up to read I just read the highlighted text and see where it goes and its usually pretty weird. I wonder if Nobuki charges his _pen pals_ the same price as he charges cypherpunks. ;P ($50 to have him _play Misty_ for us). ;P