Hi, Forwarded message:
From: "William H. Geiger III" <whgiii@amaranth.com> Date: Wed, 04 Jun 97 10:00:46 -0500 Subject: Re: Webpage picketing (fwd)
I think that your analogy is slightly flawed.
While the farmers have a right to protest on the side of the road they do not have a right to interfere with the travelers on the road.
Correct and using my model would in no way interfere with a users use of the network. It would not add excessive delay or other impedemants. It would be a one time event that occured when the site was initialy accessed. Much like having to go past the picketers on the side of the road at least once.
There is no real way you could picket on the "Info highway" as you have no right to interfere with the packets traveling on the highway. You can stand of to the side if you want but somehow I don't think that the packets will be watching. :)
If it is a fully privately funded highway, I agree. If it accepts public money I obviously disagree with you. As to the packets watching, no more so than the cars being used are watching the picketers. This is a straw man argument. The issue here is not the packets but the paticipants. _______________________________________________________________________ | | | Speak the truth, but leave immediately after. | | | | Slovenian Proverb | | | | Jim Choate ravage@ssz.com | | The Armadillo Group www.ssz.com | | Austin, Texas, USA 512-451-7087 | |_______________________________________________________________________|