On 10 Jul 96 at 12:10, David Mazieres wrote:
What I don't underastand about this arangement is how other people are supposed to develop crypto software under capi. I mean, how is it possible to develop a software package if you need to go get it signed by microsoft every time you want to test it?
There would be a development kit or version of the OS for developers that doesn't require signatures. Problems are that forgeign developers will want this, and they'll cry foul if they can't get ahold of it. Another problem is that it might be bootlegged or pirated if enough people do not trust the system, or if adequate software if not available. Rob --- No-frills sig. Befriend my mail filter by sending a message with the subject "send help" Key-ID: 5D3F2E99 1996/04/22 wlkngowl@unix.asb.com (root@magneto) AB1F4831 1993/05/10 Deranged Mutant <wlkngowl@unix.asb.com> Send a message with the subject "send pgp-key" for a copy of my key.