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If You Are Not Promoting A Dialer Download On All Your Sites You Are Losing BIG MONEY.. Its True Still To This Day, Even Though Security In Credit Card Processing Online Has Come A Long Way There Is Still A Very Large Percentage Of Would Be Paysite Members Not Using Credit Cards For A Variety Of Reasons.. But They Will Download A Dialer Access Application And Use It Over And Over Again And Each Time They Do You Are Earning Up To 50 cents A Minute.. (avg hold time 13.5 minutes)..
We Have Webmaster With Moderate Traffic Doing 500 minutes a day..We Also Have Bigger Adult Paysites That We Instantly Custom Make A Dialer Application For That Are Doing In Excess Of 10,000 Minutes..(thats around $5000.00 a day to you and me kids.)
We Offer Special Rates For Big Minute Generators, We Pay Monthly Like Clockwork
We Can Have You Set Up In No Time..
No Matter If You Are A Single Webmaster Or A Paysite Webmaster Who Wants To Allow All Your Existing Webmasters To Promote Your Site With A Dialer..
The Most Money Your Minutes Can Earn..
Respond With Interest And Contact Information Here

Our Dialer Applications Now Offer Service To DSL Connected Surfers
Know one else in the business can make that claim..!!!


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