...not having much in the way of sleep since reading Louis Freeh's testimony and his plans to assault the US Constitution I decided to do something about it, and try to develop something that would help others get involved too... I would like to announce the availability of a Personal Political Action Kit (PersPAK). It contains full databases of members of the House and the Senate and may be used for mail merging, faxing (senate only at the moment, house members hopefully this week with the next release), email campaigns, as well as plain old phone calls. The data were culled from the House and Senate directories that are on the Web, and are current as of September 3, 1997. The datasets are provided in two formats, tab-delimited and as an Excel spreadsheet. Two sample letters are included that show how to use the mail-merge features of Office95/97, along with a README file that will step users through the basics of using this kit and offers some hints on what to say -- and sometimes more importantly NOT to say -- in a letter to their congress-folk. The kit can be accessed at: http://www.zeitgeist.com/crypto I plan on updating this toolkit with more features soon with some more tools, and the ability to send mail/faxes to entire committees (as opposed to picking congress persons/senators by individually), some Java Applets to auto-generate letters, etc. I'm making it available under the GNU Public License, so feel free to use this kit as a base for other tools. Constructive criticism/ideas may be sent to perspak@zeitgeist.com regards, _DHMS ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- David HM Spector spector@zeitgeist.com Network Design & Infrastructure Security -.-. --- -. -. . -.-. - .-- .. - .... .- -- .- - . ..- .-. .-. .- -.. .. --- "New and stirring things are belittled because if they are not belittled, the humiliating question arises, 'Why then are you not taking part in them?'" --H. G. Wells