At 10:24 PM 11/28/00 -0500, Tim May wrote:
Considering that the new edition of "True Names" is just about to appear, and has a bunch of related essays in it, I certainly wouldn't have paid $25 for the pb.
*Is* it finally about to appear? It's been just about to appear Real Soon Now for the last couple of years, I gather due to Stupid Publisher Tricks. It'd be nice if it finally happens. Meanwhile, A Local Cypherpunk has my copy (relatively large print paperback, found for about $4 in a used book store); there was at some point a plot to scan and OCR the thing, though I'm not sure that ever materialized.
Used book stores -- sigh! Sure wish I could afford to quit the computer racket and run a used book store instead.
A _physical_ used book store? Surely you are kidding. My experience is that used book stores are employers of low-wage people...suggesting slim profit margins.
My wife used to program for a calendar publishing company, located upstairs from the used book store operated by the same people. The bookstore was an expensive habit, subsidized by the real business; fortunately the size of the place (large but full) put limits on the owners' bookbuying frenzies :-) Of course, if you're in the SF Bay Area and *want* to work in a used bookstore, there's a local religious cult that runs a really good one in downtown Mountain View. Thanks! Bill Bill Stewart, PGP Fingerprint D454 E202 CBC8 40BF 3C85 B884 0ABE 4639