Bill Stewart <> writes:
At 06:46 PM 3/28/97 EST, Dimitri wrote:
That's a good idea, but it'll take up a lot of disk space at the machine running the remailer. Right now, remailers that provide latency don't keep an e-mail for more than about 12 hours. Once you start keeping them around for a few days (a reasonable grace period for a first-time user), it's a lot more disk space.
Typical remailers carry maybe 100-500 messages/day; typical messages run 1-20KB unless they're pictures or warez. (Yes, I'm making these numbers up....)
Let them send pictures and warez. A remailer operator shoudn't care. :-)
IMO, the 'net has changed from what it used to be a few years ago. One can no longer send e-mail to an unknown recipient and hope that they're willing to accept anonymous e-mail. I'd agree, but from the first anonymous remailers open to the public there were people who didn't like receiving anonymous mail :-)
Well... Let me quote the complaint that Jim Ray (himself a one-time remailer operator) sent to because he didn't like the anonymous messages that he thought might be coming from me: ]Received: from ( []) by (8.7.6/8.6.12) with SMTP id HAA187758; Wed, 16 Oct 1996 07:13:05 -0400 ]Date: Wed, 16 Oct 1996 07:13:05 -0400 ]Message-Id: <> ]From: Jim Ray <> ]To:, ]X-Priority: Normal ]Subject: Dr.Dimitri Vulis KOTM ]X-Mailer: Pronto Secure [Ver 1.10] ]X-Prontosecureinfo: T=signed, P=x-pgp ] ]-----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE----- ] ]Mime-Version: 1.0 ]Content-Type: text/plain ]Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit ] ]To:, ]Date: Wed Oct 16 07:10:45 1996 ]Can you folks somehow get Dr.Dimitri Vulis KOTM <> to quit ]sending anonymous messages to cypherpunks? I have killfiled him, but he ]sends things with subject headers like "RSA" through the anonymous remailers ]and it is impossible to killfile them and still get interesting anonymous ]messages. ] ]He is evidently angry at another subscriber, Tim May, for showing the list ]how much of a fool he was regarding economics in the past, but now he shows ]how much of a fool he is. Below is an example, the subject was RSA, and it ]could only have come from him, I assure you. [BTW, this is not a threat of ]legal action on my part against you, it's just that you are lowering your ]reputations by letting him continue spewing garbage, and now that even ]killfiling him hasn't worked, I am trying to convince you to talk to him and ]encourage him to please take his lithium regularly.] ]JMR ] ]- -----Begin Included Message ----- ] ]Date: Tue, 15 Oct 1996 15:35:04 -0400 (EDT) ] From: (Anonymous) ]To: ]Cc: ] ]Timmy C. Mayflower was born when his mother was on the ]toilet. ] ] ] ]- ---- End of forwarded message ---- ]One of the "legitimate concerns of law enforcement" seems to be ]that I was born innocent until proven guilty and not the other ]way around. -- me ] ]Defeat the Duopoly! Vote Harry & Jo ]___________________________________________________________________ ]PGP id.E9BD6D35 51 5D A2 C3 92 2C 56 BE 53 2D 9C A1 B3 50 C9 C8 ]I will generate a new (and bigger) PGP key-pair on election night. ]<> ]___________________________________________________________________ ] ]-----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE----- ]Version: 2.6.2 ] ]iQCVAwUBMmTCum1lp8bpvW01AQHAugP/e/GTay0y778Ziy3JbWCGBb+tRxM8Q1Zi ]Z3aIP97hNYYoD7QKi9yP1gS3ZRbg/9ZXJonWTi+zmZ7yUjmWndczmXJ2IAC+Rgpx ]7MQmrhjU4htmiMCuawNmVLZRNZMl/+kNnX15taA8GdXTcuPXUsGN0y39oMbbqT5g ]do3B4yicgrY= ]=iix/ ]-----END PGP SIGNATURE----- Say, didn't this Mmmmm... Black Unicorn shmuck threaten to sue me for saying someone's on lithium?? :-)
unless the remailer knows that the recipient took some positive action to indicate that s/he has a clue (such as, added a key to a keyserver), their anon mail should be immediately discarded and they should instead get a note:
That's an interesting approach - a bit extreme, but the main cypherpunks applications for anonymous remailers are things like whistleblowing (which can be posted to the net or emailed to people like Foo Inspectors who _ought_ to be willing to accept anonymous mail) and potential co-conspirators (who _ought_ to be willing to accept it if they're interested in co-conspiring), and of course yourself under various aliases.
If the maintenance of destination blocking/unblocking is divorced from the remailer operators, then the whistleblower might be able to find out whether the recipient accepts anon e-mail. Under the scheme I sort of proposed, if I wanted to e-mail X, I might look up via the key servers whether X accepts anon e-mail. If he doesn't, I ping him, knowing that my ping will be discarded and instead he'll get a form letter telling him how to enable receipt. I can check (say) the key servers a few days later and see if he's ready to recieve anon e-mail; then I send the real message. Another advantage: there's no need to put the remailer's real address in the form line. Right now most operators say something like "e-mail foo@bar and/or remailer-operators to be dest-blocked". Under the scheme I'm not quite proposing yet, you can put any junk in the from: (it's irrelevant!) and put the instructions for dest-blocking via a 3rd party in a comment header. --- Dr.Dimitri Vulis KOTM Brighton Beach Boardwalk BBS, Forest Hills, N.Y.: +1-718-261-2013, 14.4Kbps