Right, nobody can trace the funds movement for all transactions are concealed by today's Crypto AG totally trustworthy concealment. Wink. Banks lie as a matter of policy no matter their location. Capitalists know this and endorse the promulagation of faith-based security to the yokels who rely upon public media for information while they use other means to hide their assets. A means and method used by governments long before the Swiss and the Singaporeans agreed to serve as spin doctors for a small fee kiss and tell. Stuff your mattress with plutonium, or what you swear on a stack of Korans is PU, and peddle it to aspiring WMD strutters awash in oil booty. Inshallah. WSJ is such a booster of illusionary wealth ops you'd think they worked for both sides of Wall Street, the profiteers and the regulators, criminals needing cops to keep property values inflated and job security.