On Wed, 6 Nov 1996 stewarts@ix.netcom.com wrote:
AUSTRALIA - CENSORS STRIKE AT INTERNET, LANS - Western Australia's State Government says it will seek to censor all computer
Headline: transmissions of offensive material after its censorship act came into force last Friday. [Newsbytes, 67 words]
Probably not as competent as Singapore at enforcement, but what do people know about it?
I'll check with the Aus EFA and get back to you on the above. Hmmm, I wonder if a home user with a networked computer in say his lounge and another in his study will be guilty of a crime if he sends an electronic (and offensive) message to that other node! Press 'N' now if your not interested in a tounge in cheek brief on Australian politics this week... Action such as the above by WA would not suprise me it..of course its been tried before and defeated but that doesn't stop our political thugs here, they just put it on the backburner for a year and try again until people get tired of responding and pass it by default. Hell last week a federal member from WA spent 20 minutes ranting in parliament why all domestic cats (and feral cats) in Australia should be destroyed (Pussy Hater) whilst Australia's economy continues to slide, manufacturing moves offshore and our already record unemployment continues to rise. Semi-auto firearms were banned here this month (even though the Prime Minister stated earlier that he knew it wouldn't solve 'The Problem'), including semi-auto shotguns. All other firearms are now hard to obtain (must show a valid _reason_ for obtaining a permit for each individual firearm, including air rifles - note the protection of ones life is not a reason..its specifically excluded in the legislation); double edged knives are now a prohibited import. [Note: sling shots are already banned so that leaves just spears, bows and stones to be legislated against and Australia will be projectile-weapon free]. A local member was asked if police would still be carrying guns now that The Problem was solved and he responded with..no, there's still dangerous criminals out there; without realising the irony of his statement. Hmmmmm. This morning I read in the paper that my local city council is going to pass a regulation that will enable them to gas my cat (Lots of Pussy Haters here) if it eats a bird, 'strays' off my property, or generally has the nerve to make itself noticed. There is talk of banning 'protection' type dog breeds after an old women was killed recently, supposedly by a Rotty. A police sgt told a WA poliscum that a stolen car incident he investigated 3 weeks ago could only have been done by criminals using information obtained from the internet (yeah thats how ALL the crims learn hotwiring). This was then reported to the WA parliament as factual. Meanwhile our Foreign Minister (the same intellectual giant that recently spoke to the CEO of the US Reserve bank then spilled his guts to the press about the US Reserve Banks' intentions wrt interest rates - and awoke the next morning and found, much to his suprise, a bit of a market ruffle in full swing) today made a commitment to the UN that we would be taking steps with respect to multi-culturalism and native reconciliation, like some arse-licker at the international-cocktail party. Well at least it's now clear he is answerable to the UN for domestic policy. Our PM (Little Johnny 'flaK jacket' Howard) made a statement recently that his election would usher in a new era of free speech, however, now that an independant member with apparantly substantial grass roots support suggests politically incorrect things like reducing immigration, cutting the 50 hours a week child care for unemployed stay at home single mothers and the billions spent on ineffective aboriginal bodies all of parliament wants her to shut up. She has received death threats from Vietnamise drug gangs for expressing these views but she should be OK now because firearms are illegal. This week a recently retired Supreme Court Judge was named in parliament was named in parliament (under parliamentary privelege) as receiving favoured treatment by a commission investigating child sex charges. Apparantly the shock was so severe that he was forced to commit suicide that very night after insisting his innocence. The government side called for her dismissal (seemingly not because he was named but because he chose to kill himself) and suggested limitations on parliamentary speech. The good judge must not have had enough faith in his own legal system to trust his reputation to it and face a court of law. Police are also under investigation on child sex charges by that same body. Now you point out that if I say fuck here (Ooops thats illegal now) I can expect armed thugs kicking down my door to drag me back to WA for trial. I guess anyone state side better cancel any plans to visit our little autocracy here now, especially John, after all the message is being bounced into WA from his computer and if the legislation is like the laughable bill that was attempted to be introduced into New South Wales earlier this year he'll be in big trouble (i know this will come as a frightening shock to him). I better go find myself a good throwing rock, I think I here the sound of jack-boots on my path.