-----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE----- Cypherpunks, It looks like a few people are trying out the bank...but there is only so much you can try as a single user...so there needs to be a way to contact other bank users and remain anonymous. Being able to contact other bank users will allow bank customers to conduct real transactions, etc. So, what I plan to do is create a remailing header using my remailer's public key for everyone who uses the bank. I will send the appropriate remailing header to each user, which can then be attached to correspondence between bank customers. Then, each user can be contacted via an anonymous remailer (mine) and the remailing header. Following that I will send to each user the total list of remailing headers, so each bank customer will be able to contact the other bank customers. Then, each user can contact the other users, and include their own remailing header to receive responses. Right now we're just experimenting so I'd like the bank customers to be able to interact with each other. How does this system sound? I'd like to hear any comments about the bank or ways the bank's customers may transact with each other (preferably privately). Also, a few weeks ago, maybe even two months, someone posted anonymously :-) that they were nearly complete with an implementation of Chaum's digitcal cash (RSA encryption, decryption, blinded signatures, etc.) scheme. I'd like to hear from that person the status of their project, and whether it is feasible to incorporate their code into my bank server. Remain anonymous if you prefer, and include a remailing header so I can write you back. Incorporating Chaum's method, and cypherpunk-style remailers to conduct business with the bank are two of my goals for this project. /-----------------------------------\ | Karl L. Barrus | | elee9sf@menudo.uh.edu | <- preferred address | barrus@tree.egr.uh.edu (NeXTMail) | \-----------------------------------/ -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE----- Version: 2.1 iQCVAgUBK2lw84OA7OpLWtYzAQE67gP8DHXoSmvacMO4BlSMFDRwpf9rifEpbwqS Z8IocT5PnAsxhHY407KfKj6KQKT6WhZZ/zxDnm8UCWynwCXYAw8ASn6lqzKWW4Ds 7S9Gdnxv4ue12WqCZIFXF/Lg1AKXMch2q9IF/UN9Tx6b2n2r+IS+D+Gm7XTCksuR 5EP+Qtqhagg= =ox9u -----END PGP SIGNATURE-----