Mike wrote --
What was she so afraid of? Aerial rape? I was just pissed off when the shitheads would fly over as low as they could. I've seen A10's, helicopters and fighters. They're really annoying when you're trying to cast a fly and enjoy some serene isolation. They should test their shit in Macedonia or Nevada. Next time I'll bring my particle beam weapon and scorch their paint a bit.
No shit! I was in a canoe once on a very backwoods lake, nobody else within miles -- a fucking F16 came over so low he spun my canoe around almost swamped it. Another time, in another state, a helicopter came into my yard so low he went _around_ my house, not over it, did a power turn in the front yard, and came back around the side of the house again. He was extremely lucky, the only gun I could grab that quick was a .22 pistol. I put 6 rounds into his canopy. He was so close I could see his face clearly. If I'd had my .44 mag, he'd of been one dead asshole. I got a bit nervous afterwards, was wondering if the cops would show up, but then realized there was no way in hell he could report it, he would have lost his pilot's license for that cowboy bullshit. They are required by law to stay 500' minimum above private property.