From Vlad ze Nurdi, who knows knows *Everything*:
I know what you're doing....
well you WON'T GET AWAY WITH IT-- mark my words, you @#%^&* gatesasskissers!!!!!
gates REALLY IS AN EVIL, PETTY MAN it's just that he's managed to hide it from the world ............................................................
Do you have some kind of emergency which requires that you get a web TB with java Real Soon Now, but that stinkin' rotten billg is making life hard on you? Like there aren't other companies working in this market as well, and will jump at the opportunity to include features left out by their competitors (in particular, Microsoft) for the benefit of whiners like you? It's not like he (or the other companies working on this project) *owe* it to you, you know. It's more like you have to wait for someone to come up with the idea, then to do all the work of putting it together, then you have to decide whether you want it, then you put your money down. You're so juvenile. But so amusing. .. Blanc