At 11:17 AM -0700 6/25/97, Silenced wrote:
Soon, it may be illegal to distribute bomb making instructions. Get your copy while you still can! Sponsored by Senator Dianne Feinstein (D-California), who has been trying to get the legislation on the books since 1995, the amendment passed Thursday is narrowly written to include only the distribution of material that has an "intent to harm."
When the DOJ looked at this issue in detail they came to the conclusion that the regulations could only be tightened, and not run afoul of the First Amendment, if very carefully crafted. In the final form it only prohibits the teaching of bombmaking for criminal purposes. It's not clear to me that the bill will restrict such material on the net, unless they inplies criminal use. See: http://jya.com/abi.htm. What's not clear to me, and I wish someone would explain, is how the SC managed to find pornography not similarly protected speech. Arms and munitions can be as arousing for some (e.g., Dr. Strangelove) as sex is for others. --Steve PGP mail preferred Fingerprint: FE 90 1A 95 9D EA 8D 61 81 2E CC A9 A4 4A FB A9 --------------------------------------------------------------------- Steve Schear | tel: (702) 658-2654 CEO | fax: (702) 658-2673 First ECache Corporation | 7075 West Gowan Road | Suite 2148 | Las Vegas, NV 89129 | Internet: azur@netcom.com --------------------------------------------------------------------- I know not what instruments others may use, but as for me, give me Ecache or give me debt. SHOW ME THE DIGITS!