No, no, no. Whales should be lightly roasted over a charcoal grill after being properly marinated in olive oil, vinegar, salt and pepper. Microwaved whale meat just tastes aweful. There's nothing worse than tasteless food. :) As for dolphins, A1 is the way to go - or you can do chicken fried dolphin steaks. :^) Yumm! ----------------------Kaos-Keraunos-Kybernetos--------------------------- + ^ + :25Kliters anthrax, 38K liters botulinum toxin, 500 tons of /|\ \|/ :sarin, mustard and VX gas, mobile bio-weapons labs, nukular /\|/\ <--*-->:weapons.. Reasons for war on Iraq - GWB 2003-01-28 speech. \/|\/ /|\ :Found to date: 0. Cost of war: $800,000,000,000 USD. \|/ + v + : The look on Sadam's face - priceless! --------_sunder_@_sunder_._net_------- http://www.sunder.net ------------ On Fri, 9 May 2003, Tyler Durden wrote:
Ten thousand years ago, the natural environment in California was different in almost every way. Who is to say that one was better than the other?
Exactly. That's why we should NUKE THE WHALES!